How to Cook the Perfect Steak for Valentine's Day 2022 - Valentine's Day is that special day where you want to show your partner how much you love them. A lot of people show their love and appreciation through exchanging gifts. Men generally buy flowers (roses) for their partners, along with chocolates. It's also common for the couple to go out for dinner. But what if you couldn't find a table at your favourite restaurant? Or maybe you don't feel comfortable about going out because of the pandemic? Or maybe you just want to relax at home, maybe with a good bottle of wine and a steak? If that's the case, the following steps will guide you through how to cook the perfect steak for Valentine's Day.
Now that you have learned the basics of how to cook the perfect steak, it's time for you to put yourself (and your partner to the test). At Hugh Maguire we have come up with the perfect Valentine's Day meal kit for the meat lover: Valentine's Steak Box. In the steak kit you will find:
How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the cut
Choosing your cut is arguably the most important part when it comes to how to cook a steak. In times of high inflation, some people might go for the cheapest cut...really? On Valentine's Day? However, according to the most experienced chefs, it's better to have a steak less often and treat you to something really good. If you are not experienced in choosing the right cut, your best option is buying your steak from a butcher. This way you are more likely to get a steak of superior quality. Additionally, you can also benefit from the butcher's advice on what cut is best for you (based on how you plan to cook it). If you are looking for some extra flavour, remember to look for a darker colour. The darker the colour, the longer the steak has been aged, the stronger the flavour.How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the Seasoning
Oil and salt are the two magic words here. Butter and herbs are good too but only towards the end of the process. However, before seasoning a steak most chefs would agree that one of the key steps is bringing the steak to room temperature. Take your steak out of the fridge and let it rest for a while. Once ready, rub it with some neutral oil and use fine salt evenly on both sides of the steak.How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the pan
It's common opinion among the best chefs not to use a pan that is neither too small nor too large. Especially if you are using butter, use a pan that is too small and you won't be able to spread the butter evenly. Use one that is too large and the butter could burn. The preferred option among chefs and butchers seems to be a cast iron pan.How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the cooking time
How long you should cook your steak on Valentine's day, and in general, depends on the type and thickness of the steak, and on your own preference. There is no general rule for all. If you are looking for some generic guidance, cook your steak for:- 2 minutes per side for rare
- 3 minutes per side for medium-rare
- up to 4 and a half minutes per side for medium
How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the rest
This is often one of the most neglected steps when cooking a steak. For best results, you want to let your steak rest for as long as its cooking time.How to Cook the Perfect Steak: the sauce
This is a matter of personal taste but adding a sauce to your steak it can make your dish extra special. Some of the most used sauces are blue cheese and peppercorn.Appendix: Valentine's Steak Box
- 2 x 28 day Dry Aged Rib Eye Steaks (250 β 300g)
- 2 x Garlic Mushroom Skewers
- 2 x Peppered Sauce